
Egg Tart *repost from c'est ma vie*

Ingredients for crust:
340 gr tepung terigu
230 gr butter
70 gr gula halus
1/2 butir telur, dikocok

Ingredients for custard:
3 butir telur
80 gr gula halus
70 ml susu cair
230 ml air

How to Make It?
1. Crust: kocok butter dan gula sampai lembut.
2. Tambahkan campuran tadi dengan telur.
3. Tambahkan tepung dan buat menjadi kalis.
4. Tutup adonan dengan cling wrap atau serbet dan simpan dalam lemari es selama 30 menit.
5. Timbang adonan masing-masing 20 gr (tergantung ukuran cetakan) kemudian tekan kedalam cetakan. Sisihkan.
6. Isi: Kocok telur dan gula hingga lembut.
7. Tambahkan susu sambil terus dikocok.
8. Tambahkan juga air secara bertahap sambil terus dikocok.
9. Tuang campuran tadi kedalam cetakan yang sudah diisi dengan adonan kulit.
10. Panaskan terlebih dahulu oven dengan panas 180 derajat Celcius dan panggang selama 25 menit hingga lapisan crustnya berwarna agak kecoklatan.
11. Keluarkan egg tart dari oven dan cetakan, dinginkan bagian bawahnya (tapi bukan dengan cara memasukkannya ke dalam kulkas)

it's really yummy :D

Steamed Black Sticky Rice Cake *repost from c'est ma vie*

   Hello everybody ^^
I'll repost my recipe from C'est Ma Vie since i want to non-activated the blog. It's quite hard to manage many blog haha. So here's the recipe.

3 butir telur
100 gr gula pasir
1/2 tsp ovalet

175 gr tepung beras ketan hitam, ayak
1/8 tsp garam
75 ml minyak goreng
100 ml santan cair

How to Make It?
1. Mixer telur hingga agak mengembang, lalu masukkan gula, garam dan ovalet. Mixer hingga putih.
2. Tambahkan tepung beras secara perlahan, aduk dengan cara folding searah. Tambahkan minyak dan santan.
3. Siapkan loyang 10x22x8 cm, oles dengan margarin dan tepung. Panaskan panci kukusan, bungkus tutup panci dengan kain agar air tidak menetes pada kue dan kue tidak menjadi basah.
4. Kukus selama 40 menit.


Rati Rati, PIK

     Hello everybody ^^
At first we want to go to Sumoboo but the queue was crazy. It's still drizzle and it's very dark. So we went to Rati Rati because when i saw a blog review about the restaurant, the decor was good and white (in the picture). Actually it's kinda disappointing, not what me and my friends imagine to be. The service quite bad, the space is narrow but fortunately the desserts are great.

I order Ange Rouge Roll and vanilla profiterole, while my friends orders Jepang Matcha Roll and Kardinal Strawberry.

 Ange Rouge Strawberry (32k)
The sponge was awesome (it was soft and like a pillow lol) and the ice cream especially good. I really like the color and garnish too :D

Vanilla Profiterole
Not really like this one because even though i can see there's vanilla bean in the cream but i can't taste the vanilla. 

Jepang Matcha Roll (32k)

Kardinal Strawberry (32k)

I really like take a picture of the glass display  because it was so pretty :)

Rati Rati
Address: Rukan Cordoba, Blok G No.5, Jl. Marina Indah Raya Bukit Golf Mediterania, PIK
Opening hours: 10 am to 10 pm


Lady Alice Tea Room, Benton Junction

     Hello everybody ^^
Benton Junction is near my home so i went there quite often. My friends told me that Lady Alice have unique tea, not just ordinary tea bag like another restaurant but they create a new one. So here we are :)

This place makes you feel like you are having a picnic in a garden. I try the ala carte chimney cake Vanilla Chimney Cake (my friends recommendation), and my friend try the original Cinnamon Chimney Cake.

Cinnamon Chimney Cake (28k)
My friend said that the cake is difficult to eat lol.

Vanilla Chimney Cake (35k)

The chimney cake was good, the plating is beautiful BUT.. the sauce makes me wanna swear. REALLY. It was sour (yes! the chocolate sauce). My chef back at the hotel said the taste of the sauce is important. It's FATAL for me. When i ask the waiter, they just told me 'memang rasanya gitu mbak'. I never found a sour chocolate sauce (not combine with sour fruit like raspberry chocolate sauce) in my life unless it's already spoiled :(( super disappointing.

Well, we orders Sweet Fruit Tea, Rose Hibiscus Vanilla Tea and Rose Strawberry Tea.

Rose Hibiscus Vanilla Tea (iced-35k)

Rose Strawberry Tea (32k)

Sweet Fruit Tea (32k)

Lady Alice Tea Room
Address: Jl. Boulevard Palem Raya, G#22, Benton Junction, Lippo Karawaci
Opening hours: 10 am to 10 pm